
“Men’s JUNAN” is a song released by YAPOOS and included on their third album ダイヤルYを廻せ! as track #2 and the second single EP Men’s JUNAN as A side track.


破窗而入 早上好 亲吻那张 不满溢于言表的脸
爱你 爱到想要勒紧你的领带的程度
勒到窒息 只我们两个 不用上班了哟

跟着你来到总务部 在同事面前暴露喜欢的心情
像美丽的花儿一样 挂着理性的笑容的秘书
蠢货 好想用用打火机点燃她的头发

模模糊糊同归于尽的想法 向着冲动行为发展
然而这样的心情 只存在于寂寞的荒野中

因为痛苦 也因为我 你两眼噙泪
你那过于正人君子的眼泪 又一次 再一次 从你的眼里涌出

弄坏钥匙 破门而出 早上好

因为大家都躲着我 O.K 就在这割腹吧
名刀 菊之本山 正横的一文字
或者U型刀也行 让人目瞪口呆地 随随便便切下去

粗俗得恐怖 想从这可怕的愚行中逃离
回头再看 妄想一旦勾起 就变成了乱哄哄的徒劳

好可怜 但你还是抱住这样的女人 啊~ 
在你的怀抱中 又一次 再一次 啊~ 宽容的你的受难

因为痛苦 也因为我 你两眼噙泪
你那过于正人君子的眼泪 又一次 再一次 从你的眼里涌出

ダス・ゲマイネ——太宰治的小说名。出自德语Das Gemeine。


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4 Responses to “Men’s JUNAN”

  1. komattakatti说道:


  2. Vivien说道:

    Hello Togawa-san!
    I found the english lyrics, enjoy!
    lyrics by JUN TOGAWA, music by NOBUO NAKAHARA

    I broke the window and snuck in
    “Good morning”
    And I kiss your frankly disdaining face
    I’ll do your necktie for you
    It’s just a part of
    How much I love you
    I’m starting to choke you
    Maybe it’ll be a work holiday
    For just us two

    I followed you all the way to the executive section
    “I really like you!”
    Then I get dragged out by your coworkers
    One of the secretaries laughs
    With rationality like beautiful flowers
    Fucking idiot
    I lit her hair on fire with a lighter

    The intention ephemeral of an honorable defeat draws ever closer
    To actions borne of seething rage
    Be that as it may, those feelings are only found
    Within the wasteland of loneliness

    “It really does hurt,” you say to me
    But even so, you’re moved to tears
    Your tears are so precious to me
    That I won’t, I won’t ever do it again

    I broke your lock and let myself in
    Good morning!
    It looks like we’re rejected by society, but
    Really, personally, I hate being alone
    Somebody’s screaming
    Something about how leaving me alone’s dangerous

    Since you’re all wincing already,
    Here’ll be fine to cut my gut open (1)
    With the famous sword “Kiku no honzan” (2)
    A directly horizontal straight line
    Or otherwise in the shape of a U
    You’re amazed, and you yell at me to get a grip

    The intense “Das Gemeine” (3)
    Rather than inevitable folly, I wish to escape!
    When I look back on the results of my rise
    I realize it was simply a disturbance that bore no fruit

    Pitifully, you even then
    Embrace this girl tight
    Ah, you –
    In your arms
    I won’t, I won’t ever again
    You, so tolerant, your suffering

    “It really does hurt,” you say to me
    But even so, you’re moved to tears
    Your tears are so precious to me
    That I won’t, I won’t ever do it again

    Also, a few questions. First, did you make up the sword “Kiku no honzan”, or is it a real thing? I’ve tried to do some research on it but i can’t find anything about it.
    Second, is this the only song you use profanities in? (Fucking idiot; Kusobaka)

    Thanks for reading this far Jun!
    I love you so much you’re the only artist i listen to besides yapoos and guernica and you are my reason to live =)

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