Song: HYS (ヒス)
Lyrics: Togawa Jun (戸川純)
Music: Nakahara Nobuo (中原信雄)
Arrangement: YAPOOS

“HYS” is a song released by YAPOOS and included on their fifth album HYS as track #1.

ヒス – Hys

Hot, languid, the limits of endurance. Cold, intense, bearing this stress
Summer 8/16 Sunny: An online fraud suspect is arrested
Winter 2/28 Heavy snow: An insurance murder criminal is sentenced to death

Sleepy, bitter, the limits of endurance. Lonely, sad, bearing this stress
Spring 4/5 Cloudy: Allegations against a major construction company, declared innocent
Fall 10/2 Rainy then sunny: An indiscriminate terrorist is wanted for questioning

Nation-wide hysteria
But they call it national security
Blood type A accounts for 40% of the population
With militaristic seriousness, sudden suicide bombings

Heisei-era Japan, affluent Japan
So nervous, but with sudden spontaneous discharges

Nation-wide hysteria
But they call it national security
There was a coup in the past
But the revolution never happened

Heisei-era Japan, affluent Japan
So submissive, but with sudden spontaneous discharges

credit: Alex Fyffe


ヒス – Hys

It’s hot,dull,can’t stand it,cold,heavy work,stress builds up
Summer,August 16th,clear weather
Computer on-line fraud suspect under arrest
Winter,February 28th,heavy snow
Insurance aimed murder criminal sentenced to death
Sleepy,painful,can’t stand it,lonely,sad,stress builds up
Spring,April 5th,cloudy weather
Major general contractor suspicion judgment not guilty
Autumn,October 2nd,clear weather with a chance of showers
Indiscriminate terrorism suspect wanted
*1 repeat
The entire citizen’s in hysteria
Say it’s a secure country
One forth of citizens are blood type A
Usually honest,suddenly explodes
Heisei Nippon,affuluent Nippon
Nervous but suddenly blows
*1 repeat
*2 repeat
The entire citizen’s in hysteria
Say it’s a secure country
There were coups in the past
But no revolution will occur
Heisei Nippon,affuluent Nippon
Obedient but suddenly blows

credit: a geocities site

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