

“絶海” is a song released by GUERNICA and included on their second album 新世紀への運河 as track #14.


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One Response to “絶海”

  1. namo says:

    English translation of the lyrics by me:

    Far, far beyond the Eight Ship Routes
    Abalone shells with sleeping boats
    Diatom foams, slipping through the tides
    Metronome of waves, counting the dreamy beats
    Invited by warm currents, I drifted on and on
    At last, I wandered afar
    Towards the endless edge of the ocean

    The Lone Ocean, where the earth ceases
    The Lone Ocean, a timeless blissful land

    Far, far beyond the Seven Seas
    Rays of sun fall upon the village of light
    Island of solitude surrounded by vibrant corals
    Rainbow-colored butterflies dances
    Flowers sing, pouring out their honey
    Children with golden eyes
    fall asleep with pearls in their arms

    The Lone Ocean, a paradise of deities
    The Lone Ocean, a timeless blissful land

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